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Former Member Delegation to South Korea

  • FMC 1401 K Street NW, Suite 901 Washington, DC 20005 USA (map)

A FMC delegation of six Former Members will visit South Korea June 22-July 2 - FMC's first trip since COVID, and our second delegation of former Members to have traveled to Korea. The trip, co-sponsored by the Jay Kim Leadership Academy and Chosun Daily, is providing the opportunity for Former Members to meet with Korean representatives from government and the corporate sector and to participate in the annual Asian Leadership Conference where VP (and former Member of Congress) Mike Pence is the keynote speaker. Former Members Bart Gordon (D-TN), Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Mike Bishop (R-MI), Brian Baird (D-WA), John Faso (R-NY) and Doug Jones (D-AL) are all participating.