Our Mission Statement
FMC is a bipartisan, nonprofit, voluntary alliance of former United States Senators and Representatives, advocating for representative democracy at home and abroad.
About FMC
FMC is the premier non-profit focused on Congress, involving both Former and Current Members of Congress in our work – all on a bipartisan basis. We utilize the unique skill sets of our over 800 members to provide pro bono public service programs and initiatives both at home and abroad. We also engage over 200 Current Members of Congress and senior Congressional staff annually in international legislative exchanges through our Congressional Study Groups. Our work strengthens the Congress by creating across-the-aisle opportunities for Current Members to work together on issues including energy, global trade, international security, and transportation policy. Equally important is our work educating the public about U.S. representative democracy, public service, and Congress as an institution.
FMC is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Thanks to its membership dues, annual fundraising dinner, donations from corporations and individuals, and foundation grants, FMC sponsors programs across the nation and in numerous foreign countries at no cost to the taxpayer.