First formed in 2011, the Diplomatic Advisory Council (DAC) is an informal body of current Ambassadors serving in the nation’s capital and provides a direct outreach to our strategic allies abroad. All of our programming benefits from the input, guidance, and participation we receive from members of the DAC. Embassy engagement is top-to-bottom, with opportunities for collaboration spanning from Ambassador-hosted events to involvement of policy-centric staff in conversations we host in Washington.

Diplomatic Advisory Council (DAC) Dinner Series
The DAC series is a reoccurring forum for direct discourse between member Ambassadors and Members of Congress on nuanced issues affecting the U.S.’s relationships abroad. Like all of FMC’s programming, it presents an opportunity for off-the-record, conversational, candid exchange on timely topics. Led by our Study Group Co-Chair and a host Ambassador, the regularity of the series serves to build meaningful relationships among Congressional peers and with the Diplomatic corps.